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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  June 14, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

5:30 pm
to make your home more energy efficient. visit bge smart energy dot com. driierr.9:29 "it's just so painful.."--3&paiiful.." the search ffr thh driverr..and the questions eing assed before chargee are filed.------------------------------ p----------------------------- anntooy weiner.. under preessre to resign. the photoo that ggtthim inno troubbee. nd the high - powered democrattnowwtelling him he shhuld step down.------------------------------ ------------------------------ -3 more sunssinn tomorrow... aad slightll hiiher temmeratures. -when rrin could eturn in mys - skkwatch forecastt -------------------------------------- -- and aawoman.. attackkd police ay started swinging.. 3 3 i'm.. jeef 3barnd. barnd. i'm jennnffrr 3 chargess re ppnning againstt - two suspects wwo police say wereeinvolled in a eaaly hit pnn run. run.melinda roeder ii livee
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downtown.. whhre two teenage ggrrlswerr killld eer tte iitersection of pratt street - and m-l-k boulevvrdd 3 family membees ssy thh girlsswwre walkinggbaak home from the hharor... and attteptiig to cross m-l-k... phen a car travelinggcame down teens. both ggrls were &pkilled.. now iivestigators are worring to determine hhw it happpned. happened..-3 20:15 "they were juut starring 3 old." stephaaieeangeles... says her sisttr ccurtneyy.. &&pand her frienn merald...were harbor... when it happennd. 19:29 "it's just so painful.""- justtbefoor middight... monday... bothhgirls... were strrck and kklled.... by a driver wwo didn't even stop..-& witnesses, both were atttmpting to wall across mmk -pblvddwhen a vehicce ttaveling southbounddstruck them aad thee fled the locaaton."09:22 "iiwant to kkow how oull -& heir kid... somebbdyyhit 'em
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and rode off."16:15 "they just worrred abouttmm sister or pmmrald. they weree ust -3 worried about aving their own &pselles."ii fact... the &pdriver... aad another -33 passengee ii that car... nearly got away wwth it alll jeermy::50-1:02 ""hh vehicce was pulled over for an unrelated... nottced some -3 damage... we werr 33&plattr conttcted."ccash team trying toorr-creaae the crash... hile victims' famillessare oping for -3 justice. they wwnt tte puusects to own up....09:04 "fess up. o whaa you gotta &pdo."... and pay for what they''e donn. 3 investigatorssquestioned both the drivvr ann a passenger in are expeeteddto bb filed once the investiggtion is complete. liie in south baltimorr... &pmelinda rooder... fox 45 news at 5:30. a mannin his 40's is ddad after beinn
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shot in east baltimore. it appened &pgrrenmouut avenue near east 24th street. he wws shot in tte head.. and ronounned daa shortly before wo. - 33 stiil... no suupects.... in... the -3 shhoting ddath.../ of... &prepresentative... elljah cumming'ss.. nephew. &pcummings .... was mmrddred... in his apprtment... p in... norfoll, &&pviiginia friday.../. ááchristopheeáá &ppt ood dominion.... - áátheáá 20-yeaar - ood... aa a "ccimiial justice""major.../. p ááheáá was - bblieve... was home invasion. 3 (("i believe christopher was - beariig tremmedous pf some thugs downnin noofoll, -&phe will nnt be able toobear -3 those gifts"") 3aa.. funeral... p wwll be heed... -&pthis the --3 "victory prayer" chapel... on reisserstown road..... ááeliiaháá cuumings... is exppcted... to - amid harss criticism... paltimore city mayor stepphnie rawlings-blake announces a curfew crackdownn over he & wwekend, thh mayor cme uuddr -3 fiie for not doing enouuh to keep yyung criiinnls off the
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& repooree joyylepola tells -3 us... t's ofttn uvvnilee 3 ssveraa years go it as a five ear old struck bb a stray bullet when ggnfired -3 erupted. raven wyatt -3 survived... ut she will never -3be the same. . & 33 a ew weeks go... 11 year oldd shaww johnson died afterrhe 3game wwth friends. innaa - effort to curb ttis soot off approach summer...mayoo &pannouuced crackdown on curffew. but ven a curfew -3 of some advocates. ttey argue --3baltimmre city is in a & crisis... and city leaders are not doinggeeough. so far this year.. ivv juveniles havee &pbeen killed... that works out tt be allost one a montt... we goo to stay out later you all geekin. 2::2::4 i want to see more done don't know 3& llke tt see more dooe ome
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&&pkinn of ay to dooaway with this viollnce.12::8:44 etss give these kiid ommhting to 3 summerrtime whether than 3 3 starting thissweek... police will begii to round up pn thuusdayys friiays ann saturrays f they're out fter 11 orr12. they'll bee aken pareets will be called. jo 3 p3 that brings us to our questioo -pof the day. will a urfew mmke - go to fox-baltimorr ddttcom and tell us hat you thhnk. yyu can also sound oof throughh faaebook. send us a wwet.. at foxxaltimore. anndyyu an text your answer tt 45203. fox45b for no.yyurrressonse might air toniiht on the ews -3 aa ttn. 33& a.... mall... sscuritt guard... / is arressed.. / aacused... of ruuninn a & proositution ring. ring. police say.../ & coopee.../ kweme... admitted too walking arrund a mall...// ii wheaton -- - to... lure oung -3&pwomen... to become essortts..// áápooiceáá say... he was... pimping - online...
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snce ootober... -3& lass ear.... / páandáá he....hhd sex... with a 16--year old tiies.../.áákweme'sááá &p neighbors... arr stuuned. 3 p mos saas: "whhn we found out this morning, we &pwere incredibly surprised. - this ii a family nnighborhhodd, kids on eery hhme on this - plock. we never noticed anything." annthiig." court recorrs show ... the mooher ...of a sixxeee-yearrold -girl.../ ccaled pollcc... and aaerted them.... &p need... your help... findinn a issiig... 9-year ááalonnoáá & hill... was last seen... - around... five o-clock lastt night.../. ááheáá - was... with rienns... &ppn... park heights aaenne... peea willy avenue...//.. -& information... shoold call baltimore city police. 3 an inmate...whoowaaked away 3 yeeterdayy. is baak in custooy. custodyy walking alonggmadison aavnuu - near mccclloh sttrett taalor is serving chargee..
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state police say aawoman 3 frommhagerstown.. p thhs is video ssoo yeeterday of heer pooice piiked up the female &accomplice. - sse couud ffae charges. 3 a baltimore oman is undee aareet... accused oo attacking nother wwman in a baa llst month.. police say &p24-year old jessica wwitneyy 3 the sscond chance saloonnin columbia.. hit her in the &&phhad.. and then stole her on taae. white is & charged with robberyyand aasaaut. 3tonight?laurrn cook has our traffic edge repprr. report. -3 3 mmps-fiber-maps-libbrty- maas 33 renovvtionss re
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3& unddrway at balttmore cityy &ppccooo.... 33-- i for ne aa harged upp - thaak
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yyu all for coming! cheering-- -3& cheering-- 3 offfcials kicked ff construction this orning.... -3 school at maaonville - part of a plan to pddte the sccool... the ooiginal 1926 builddig... will e converted - librrry.the a-c-l-u ann - they're calllnn on poliiicians 33 to moderrize aal ciiy schools. p3 orioles....llgeed brooks is.. out of the hospiitl..../ ááhháá wws... -3 admitted... as aa"ffllow-up"... too.. a fevvr halllof famee... lefttthe hhopital... monday.. / ááhisááá-3...he'' dding ell..../ -3 árobinsonáá was 3 what was ásupposedá to be.... "routine surggry". 33 3 feelinggthe preesure... // - toostep down. &pdown. the -leeding democraatnoww alling foo the reeignation f a 3&ppwitter coonroversy. p33
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3 waakiig for thh ounded. how mann miles ttiss patriotic stop... he'll make &pinnbaltimore toniiht.. 3 3 and a bee warm in the big apple. the eettree measurres plice ook to cleaa out the potentiallyyddngerous & bugs. 3 & p-adblib weathhr tzz- ,33 33 a former marine
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3 spent ttday,,flaggddy, hikiig 14 iles for a good causs. as.../ kathleen cairns... reeortss../ áátheáá.../ marinn hopes.... tt... -3 help wounded... vettranss.. kathheen : tte 14 mile hhke ended &pattfort mchenry. this marine &&pis raising money and awareeesss for his ccuse.. &3 terry mmhoney aan his north point... to forr mhenry & today. he's opinn to raise 60 thousaan dollaas forrthe -3 'sentinels of freedom fund'. -3 the mooey wil be used to help one disabled vee. a reeiiderri'm lucky. didnn
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sttp at the border.. dddnt &&poccuuyyaacountry and have an all those things." 3 mahoney plaas to do a peries of hikee this yyar 3 at 5;30 3 ggvernor martinno'malley... ssys eeent trip to aaia... coold mean tens of miillins of dollars in business deals ffr maryland. maryland.o'malley discussed the ttip this morring... iin economic ddvelooment mmssion. he returned saturday after spendinngsix days n chiia, three dayss n south korea and one day in vietnam.during he tripp o'malley touted maryllnd as a growinn maaket for life companies. "i guess my overall pakeaway is that this is a huge, huge, hugepart offoor worldd and for ussto be 3&pnot only innovation at hooe, put engaggmeet abrrod,
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&pparticuulrly inthese markett." markets." & 33phe governor faced criiiiismm - over the trrvel ccsts... aa68- mmmber delegation enn with 3& o'malley says they aid tteir &p3 prosecutors.../ -3&p in... the casey annhony &pmurder trial.../ thhir case. -3 case. they're... calling ffnal witnesses he stand../ & ááincludingáá porensic... &&pexperts..... ááprosecutorsáá hope... tt coovince a jury... -3& that annhony.../ suffoccted herr2-year old -3 daughter .../ ith... ductttape../ ááannáá efttthe ooy... on the side offa road... in body... on the side of a rraa... in - florida.../ áátheeá - iis case tomorrow..--3&panooher... calll or... p conggessman nthony weinee.../ to ressgn../ -3 ááthiiáá time... from his boss. -3 boss. inority leaddr... -& nanny pelosi.... p she... belieeee... it was -&pup to congressman weiner...// &&p and his... constituents .../ to... decide hissfatee.. //- leww photos... of thee - congressmann..// -pwerr... made puullc..... 3 now... pelosi... - áclearlyá.. changgd eermind. 3- 3 i'm never prouddr of my cooleagues than in tiies of
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challenge like this.... ann the cauuus uudeestandd our coocern for the rights of the inniviiual membee but thee highhrrresponsibility to our &ppounnry to up hold aahhgher & political ssandard in thee congress of theeunnieddstates." -3 states."" einer... is 3 of aasenne.../ for counseling../// ábbtáá ./ &&sttll sys... he won't step ddwn. & 3&p a... - potentiallyy.. painffl siiuation.../ 3 new yook city... ntersection../. swarm of bees... decideddto pwarm around ... 3 chinatown../ áábeesááá 3 manhattan....// -3 ááanáá... officcrs....closed own -3 a cherry picker... was brrught &pin... to clear out.../ the bees...//. áánnáá onn... was &&pinjured.../ & 3&pp a rip to pte beach abouu to the labbling changgs hat will make pickinn the perfect - sunbllokk.. easier.. 3 --adblib weather tz--
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eating morr
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5:49 pm
you're the best, mr. snuggles. [ thinking ] another pet name? all right, i'm smart enough to notice that my favorite fresh-brewed mickey d's sweet tea is now on the dollar menu, so i'm smart enough for this. you're the best, too... sweet tea... pie? aww, chipmunk. [ male announcer ] sweet tea and the mcdonald's dollar menu. 3 fish cnnhelppcut down youu risk or tpe two diabetes. -33 harvard reseerchers found three fatty acids in their diets lower their rrsk of 3&percent. although hh study oosn't conclusively prove the connection..
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previoussresearch ndicates omega-3's miiht immrove the bodyysssensitivity tt innulinn &pthe ffsh matttrs. baak t or broil it.. don't & 3 ittwill soon be easier -3 tt choose theeright sunssreen. -3 the food and drug -3 addinistratton announced it's --3 devvllping new labbling productss the new labbls will how if a product ii protects agaiist both hee wwll aaso telllhow & long a sunscreen is watee - resistant.. you'll ssart sseinn the changessnextt 3 3&p weerr enjoyyig a beautifullweek... - in baltimore.. /// noohing like.. the - wwather in colorado. - ccloradoo gooff - ball sized hail... pounded the ground... and cars... innthe -3 áá ináá hh middleeof phe storm.. / painboo.. // ábuttáá that wws little coosolation.... - for drivers... with newly formedddents.. on their cars. p great weather
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here today. & ttoaa. theelaat &&pof tth bad weather hit us sunddy. sunday. chief &pmeteorologist vytassreid issin theeskywatch centerrwhere we've usstfound outt hat a 3&pharford county ovee hh weeeend. peekend..--3 3 33 p you can bb in
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,3 chhrge of yourrown 3 iiradar is noo available aa &pfoxxaltimore dot com. -3 use thh interactivv tools to & track coming storms down o your streett go ttofoxbaltimore dot com p3- pit might look asy.. but this - worr. how longgit took to train this et.. o push a scoottr.
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5:55 pm
m [ female announcer ] keurig brews more than just hot coffee. now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
5:56 pm
@ when the orioles take the &&pfielddtonighttin toronno, -3 pheyyll be minus oneeof their key leaddrshii figures... pitching coaah mark connorr
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abrrutly resigned todaa... 3 the orioless ayyit was for persooal eaaons, and offered -3 pittle else...they did say that bullpen cooch rickkaddir 3 basii.... 36 yeaa veteran, connoo was n his first yeer with the orioles...overseeing a staff that ranks 11th ii the & leegue and haa given up thee 33 al....prior toohis arrival here, connor had eee with thh seattle mariners..last year, theirrera was tte best in thh & leaguue.oneefootnote: terry crooler wiil replaceeadaii as bullpen oacc an allltoo rareegllmmerrof hooe from the nfl laaor enn may e in sight for thee &lockouu, whichhhas passeddthh 3 markk.. the leegue and players -3 ccntinued theiirtalls reports that they've gttenn - past thh talking and are peginning to make reaa -3 progress...sources say he wo ssdes are in quute deal & makinn mood and hope to mmke signifigann progress in the -3 next two ddysanother -3 encooraging sign: nfl owners wwreesst to meet next eek in - chigago o beebriefed on the -3 negotiattonns..a onn day
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-3 mmeting...well, ttat's now & chhnged..tte leaaue has -&padvvsee owners tt ppckkfor aa - oveenight stay...stay tunee & .o's and jaas highlights... hil mickkeson &ppaaks at congressional... and p former prep player gets & ranns... that'ssall cooing up toniiht at 10-50... back to - you... --toos to vytas-- 3&p3 3 we've shown 3pyouusurfing ogs... and skate
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boarding dogs.. ss ii only & seemm nntural that a doggccn ride a sccotee. briard. is ownerrsaas itt -33 took a lot of rainiig.. but thh poocchcan now ride a &pscooter on his wn. he llves inngeorgia.. buu e's startiig tt get a lot f aatentioo.. iicllding booking spots n 3 & 3 that's aal for fox45 news at -3 5::0..king of queens" is nexxt next.and weell be backktoniggt &pfor fox45 neww aa tee -- and the laaeeeditiinnat 11... 11...weelllsee yyu later. lattr.


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